Use the data extract tool in geomaps auckland council. The proposed change to the viewer maps has not been made 1. Linz data service geospatial and related data from land information new zealand. Regional geospatial data from the auckland council to support the unitary plan. Selecting an area too large will either take too long to process or fail. While due care has been taken in providing this website, all information should be considered.
Learn how to identify map features in the auckland unitary plan map viewer. The auckland region amalgamated from eight local authorities into one. Watercare gis viewer use the interactive map to identify. Geospatial data the university of auckland libraries and. This application uses licensed geocortex essentials technology for the esri arcgis platform. Zones are spatially mapped on the unitary plan gis viewer and all areas within auckland are assigned a single zone. It contains spatial and nonspatial information from across auckland. The auckland plan page containing all maps in the auckland plan. Intramaps is a public mapping application that uses a gis geographic information system. Georeferenced raster digital images are provided at a resolution of 300 dpi. This story map was created with the story map series application in arcgis online. Marys county at our feedback page to inform us of any problems. Guides to using geomaps identify map features in the auckland unitary plan map viewer identify map features in the auckland unitary plan map viewer tohua nga ahua amapi i te mahere whakakotahi o tamaki makaurau.
Pup base zones auckland proposed unitary plan sep 20 export layer. Visit ourauckland to learn about auckland councils response to covid19. Imagery was captured for the auckland council by nz aerial mapping ltd, 208 warren street, po box 6, hastings 4156, new zealand. Aerial imagery regional historic and current auckland. From 20, all files are released in map info, esri shapefile, and esri geodatabase. The proposed change to the viewer maps has not been made. Proposed amendments to auckland unitary plan gis viewer. Detailed hires maps of auckland for download or print. The city of west kelowna provides gis data for public download. Mapi is tauranga city councils free gis web map viewer. Digital data and downloads digital qmap data are available in a range of raster image and vector gis formats as well as web map service and through a webmap application.
Visit ourauckland to learn about auckland councils response to covid19 get the latest information about council services and closures learn more covid19 information. Access to chi information in the auckland council viewer. Gis services and data transpowers geospatial services and mapping data is available via our open data website, which allows users to search, view, access, and download our data in many formats without the need for additional software. Create 3d scenes in your browser and share them with the world. Travel guide to touristic destinations, museums and architecture in auckland. Auckland unitary plan gis viewer databases the university. Geyserview rotorua lakes councils gis map viewer provides access to interactive map based information about the rotorua district. It contains spatial and nonspatial information from across. This enables users to connect their gps to the computer to see their live location and track their movement on the background map or image. Gis maps page image this section contains information about our geographical information system gis, which is an interactive tool for mapping purposes, and a link to enter the gis site.
In the case of wms, the user must define the resolution and number of map tiles to be cached as the full source datasets can be many gb. To save the maps to your computer, rightclick on the link. It is on the councils open access geomaps platform. Data waikato district gis data map mapping linz data. The displayed map extent determines the area that will be downloaded. Download free new zealand auckland islands maps free map downloads free world country map downloadssponsors. The hosting location of aucklands hazard viewer will be moved, this means that if you bookmark the viewer, you will need to revisit the auckland emergency management website. Export datasets to cad, gis, pdf, kml and csv, and access via api. Download our asset data in csv, kml or esri format. If you do not have a gis, you can download software that can read these files. Along with the paperbased topo50 map series, digital images of the maps are also publicly available. All of these layers of data can be useful for site maps but. Coverage encompassed the entire auckland council area.
If you find any mapping applications not functioning properly, please contact st. The easiest way to check is to click here on the auckland council gis viewer, search for your street. Geo maps gis solutions tailored to your business gbs. Proposed amendments to auckland unitary plan gis viewer maps notes. Note that maps may not appear on the webpage in their full size and resolution. Tauranga city council application built by the gis team. To simplify the visualisation of this data, the map service filters the data from the nz parcels layer to display parcels with a status of current only. The proposed change to the viewer maps has not been made 2. The hazard data data is based on existing research and some maps have been compiled from legacy data sets. Auckland drinking water gets top marks for every zone. This map service has been designed to be integrated into gis, web and mobile applications via linzs wmts and xyz tile services.
Canterbury maps application provides free access to maps, records, information and data from the local government councils in the canterbury region. Many of our clients are interested in finding out about zoning for their properties. Maps, aerial and satellite images, gis geographic information systems. The following links contain information of periodic updates to the digital data and supporting resources to view these data. Pup base zones auckland region gis map data auckland. Optimised for nonprofessionals, viewer enables you to access private, shared or. The chi layer will need to be added to the viewer for information on how to do this, please refer to help menu in the auckland council viewer. Orthophotography for the auckland region taken between 2010 and 2012. Auckland council published the recommendations provided by the independent hearings panel on the new planning rulebook for auckland, the auckland unitary plan. Geographic information systems store information using spatial indices that make it possible to identify the features located in any arbitrary region of a map.
Large auckland maps for free download and print high. Aucklands hazard viewer te mapi tirotiro pumate o tamaki. Public users, please click here to access the auckland council viewer and view chi gis information chi places, auckland council coastal scheduled sites, archaeological surveyed etc. Find detailed user information for auckland council open data, our arcgis platform which provides public access to our geospatial datasets. We get blasted by truckloads of information each day.
Auckland unitary plan find out how your property is zoned. This tool allows qgis users to connect to a ipt internet publishing toolkit server and download darwin core archives to use in qgis. Covid19 information for all covid19 information, visit the unite against covid19 website at covid19. Wa tool provides support for esri shapefile and mapinfo tab vector data files, web map services wms and geotiff, ecw and jpeg2000 raster image files. Gis software geographic information systems gis mapping. Define the download area on the map the maximum area you can define is 6km2. Many of our partner councils in the wellington region provide online gis mapping systems for public use.
Identify map features in the auckland unitary plan map viewer. Feb 21, 2020 linz data service geospatial and related data from land information new zealand. Data has subsequently been provided to linz and this comprises. The actual dimensions of the auckland map are 2280 x 2252 pixels, file size in bytes 670952. Nz topo50 maps national topographic office gis data.
Detailed and highresolution maps of auckland, new zealand for free download. Data topographic gis data map mapping linz data service. Data basemaps gis data map mapping linz data service. Geospatial data the university of auckland libraries. Other mapping resources from local government in the region. The topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the new zealand mainland, the chatham islands, and offshore islands at 1. Nz primary parcels land information new zealand gis data map mapping linz data service geospatial and related data from land information new zealand.
For example, a gis can quickly identify and map all of the locations within a specified radius of a point, or all of the streets that run through a territory. Find out how to use the different functions in geomaps, our gis viewer. Download gis data as shapefile shp, fgdb, dwg, mapinfo. You can use mapi to search for property information select layers to show additional information, view current and historical aerial images, add your own map layers and print and share your maps. View the location of transpower assets using the map below. Stormwater network information is supplied by auckland council.
Or add an attractive location map to your real estate flyer. Use the catalogue to find datasets cdrom, maps and aerial photographs in the university of auckland librarys notable collection. Staged productsthe topographic maps and geographical information system gis data provided in the national map are pregenerated into downloadable products often available in multiple formats. The stats nz geographic data service provides geographic boundaries and a selection. Useful links click here to enter the gis viewer use chrome web browser. The national hydrography datasets, watershed boundary dataset, governmental boundary units, transportation, structures, elevation contours and. Skip to main content covid19 information for all covid19 information, visit the unite against covid19 website at covid19. Gis data gis map data datafinder geospatial statistics stats nz.
The citys westmap application provides access to a variety of citypublished data layers and tools that users can utilize to search for information or generate their own maps. The hosting location of auckland s hazard viewer will be moved, this means that if you bookmark the viewer, you will need to revisit the auckland emergency management website. Map changes, updates, and ordering information your feedback is very important. Auckland unitary plan gis viewer databases the university of. In terms of free gis data sources, it seems neverending so thats why weve put together this list to turbocharge your search for reputable and free gis data. Updated 28 apr 2014 1554 views 151 downloads zones are areas where common land uses and activities are anticipated. Auckland council ac engaged geographic business solutions gbs to create a replacement geospatial web viewer that replicated all functionality in the existing legacy council geospatial viewers. Use our maps in your image brochures and travel catalogues, or on your website. Gis cloud map viewer gis clouds viewer is an easy way to view and access maps and data. Only current aerial imagery is available for download through this facility. Refine a subject search by selecting geospatial data as the database type far right of screen.
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